I bought Dora from a horse trader in 2014.
She came from an auction and I was told she was raised in a very harsh, cruel environment and was too nervous to be a work horse. The man I purchased her from said he was going to “ship her to the meat market” because Dora was not suitable for riding and was difficult to handle. I couldn’t stand the thought of this so I bought her immediately.
At first, I was unable to touch her at all because she was so frightened. But before long, with a little patience I was able to gain her trust and she let me brush her and even put a saddle on her. Her beautiful spirit started to flourish and now shines through. She comes like a dog when called and is a soft loving soul. She is kind to other horses and never aggressive. She loves scotch mints. She follows me everywhere and waits for me to come see her in the morning. I believe Dora came to me as a gift from the universe.
In 2019 my circumstances changed and I am no longer able to keep her with me. I was determined to find a home for Dora that enabled her to live her life in safety and peace. I saw an article on CBC about a Horse Sanctuary owned by Buddhists in Primrose PEI. I am in the process of moving to my home in Rustico, Ontario and the thought of keeping her on PEI seemed like a dream come true.
I have received offers to buy Dora but worried about her ending up in the wrong hands. She is beautiful and several people have offered to buy her for breeding purposes. I didn’t want that for her either. Last summer I made a few phone calls and eventually was able to speak to someone from the Moonlight PEI Sanctuary. Dora was placed on a wait list. I was thrilled and relieved. I contacted the Sanctuary again last month and was so grateful to learn Dora has been accepted to come and live the remainder of her life in safety and free from harm. I am immensely grateful to the Sanctuary for providing Dora a home. All animals deserve to live without fear or harm. I want to thank the Moonlight PEI Sanctuary for their kindness and care of this beautiful horse.
Nancy Kane